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Region Company name Disti/Rep Contact number Mailbox Website Company address
Europe Mouser Electronics Disti 1-800-346-6873 sales@mouser.com www.mouser.com 1000 North Main Street,Mansfield, TX 76063, USA
Europe Arrow Electronics Disti 303 824 4000 leadteam@arrow.com www.arrow.com Arrow Electronics Corporate headquarters 9201 E Dry Creek Road Centennial, CO 80112 USA
Europe Digi-key Electronics Disti 800-344-4539 sales@digikey.com www.digikey.com 701 Brooks Ave S. Theif River Falls, MN 56701 USA
UK Astute Electronics Ltd. Disti +44 (0) 1438 909 909 sales@astutegroup.com Astute House, Rutherford Close, Stevenage SG1 2EF
UK Acal BFi UK Limited Disti +44 (0) 1189 788 878 sales-uk@acalbfi.co.uk www.acalbfi.com/uk 3 The business center, Molly Millars Lane, Workingham Berkshire, RG41 2EY
UK solsta.co.uk Disti '+44 (0) 1527 830800      sales@solsta.co.uk Solsta Ravensbank Business Park 2 Hedera Road Redditch B98 9EY
Italy Acal BFi Italy Srl Disti +39 (06) 86894259 sales-it@acalbfi.it www.acalbfi.com/it ACAL BFi Italy srl Via Cascina Venina, 20| I-20090 Assago (MI) | Italy
Germany, Austria, Switzerland matronic GmbH & Co Disti '+49 7071 9444-21 'info@matronic.de www.matronic.de matronic GmbH & Co. Electronic-Vertriebs KG Vor dem Kreuzberg 29, 72070 Tübingen GERMANY
France, Belgium Syscom-Prorep Disti 01-69-74-89-40 contact@syscom-prorep.com www.syscom-prorep.net 1-3 Rue des Pyrénées 91090 LISSES 01 60 86 80 04
France, Belgium Aptech SAS Disti 01-69-74-89-40 info@aptechsc.com www.aptechsc.com ZA del Belles Fontaines, 99 route de Versallies 91160 CHAMPLAN France
Israel Boran Technologies ltd. Disti '+972.3.9274747 support@boran.co.il www.boran.co.il P.O. box 2627 18 Hashacham st. Petah-Tikva 49125 Israel
Israel Bos-Odem Ltd Disti '+972-54-2285721 info@odem.co.il www.odem.co.il 20 Freiman Street, PO Box 745 Rishon Le-Zion 7535825 ISRAEL
Israel Hyper Tech Advanced Systems Ltd. Disti 972-3-9243352 SALES@HYPERTECH.CO.IL www.hypertech.co.il Hyper Tech Advanced Systems Ltd. 14 Odem St. Petach Tikva P.O.Box 7042, Israel , 49170.
South Africa Altron Arrow Disti +27 11 923 9600 info@arrow.altech.co.za www.altronarro w.com Aitron Arrow Head Office 53-57 Yaldwyn Road, Hughes Ext,Jet Park, 1459
Central Europe, Germany, Switzerland, Austria PRISMA SALES SERVICE GMBH Rep ' +49 / (0)89 / 8899 859 0 INFO@PRISMA-SALES.COM en.prisma-sales.com PRISMA SALES SERVICE GMBH CARL-VON-LINDE-STR. 40 85716 UNTERSCHLEISSHEIM GERMANY
Iberia (Spain & Portugal) Argos Componentes Electronicos Rep +93 2177655 j.vial@argos-ce.net NA Argos Componentes Electronicos C./ Montseny, 32. 08012 – Barcelona Spain